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Carolyn Lee Arnold About: white woman with highlighted blond hair and a teal sweater smiling. Text above picture: "Meet Carolyn!"

I’ve enjoyed a pretty wild life! I write about it in two books and a blog.


Carolyn Lee Arnold is a writer, hiker, relationship workshop assistant, former educational researcher, and the author of the award-winning memoir, Fifty First Dates After Fifty. She lives in the San Francisco Bay Area with her partner, one of her fifty dates. She blogs about dating and life and offers dating tips and resources at


Carolyn Lee Arnold drew upon her thirty years as a social science researcher and ten years as a relationship workshop assistant to create the dating project in Fifty First Dates after Fifty.

A native Californian from Los Angeles with a New England education, Carolyn found her true home in the San Francisco Bay Area, where she prepared for dating and life by attending spiritual ceremonies, working in free clinics, leading women’s backpacking trips, hiking the local green hills, identifying as a lesbian-feminist in the 1970s and ’80s, and earning graduate degrees in women’s studies, statistics, and educational research.

Fifty First Dates after Fifty is her first book, and has won over 10 awards in the areas of relationships, sexuality, women’s issues, and memoir. Excerpts have been published in NextTribe: Age Boldly, Residence 11, Persimmon Tree, Outside In Literary & Travel MagazineThe Pleasure Project, and the Human Awareness Institute’s Enlighten Journal. An excerpt from her second memoir, about her lesbian-feminist years, has been published in Noyo River Review. Still a feminist, she lives in the Bay Area with her partner, one of her fifty dates.

Dating, relationships, and sex in the SF Bay Area milieu of personal growth workshops and spiritual ceremonies.

A dating project in my late fifties to go on 50 dates to find my current partner. Fifty First Dates After Fifty: A Memoir tells the story!

Eighteen years in the ’70s and ’80s lesbian-feminist community of Berkeley & SF. (Memoir in progress!)

Adventurous solo travel in countries like Peru, Mexico, Greece, & Spain.

I live in the SF Bay Area and just celebrated my twelfth anniversary with my partner, one of my fifty dates.

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